Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can you believe it!?

Yes, I'm actually posting something after all these months. I think my problem is that I enjoy looking at everyone else's blogs and postings that I run out of time to do my own....that's my story and I'm sticking to it. So here's a brief recap of the last 5 months. YW camp was....interesting. When I got there halfway through camp, things were NOT good, but they picked up and by the end everyone was happy. That is not to say that I was the answer to all their problems or even that I caused anything to change, but only a few girls cried after I got there....that' s a good sign right? Oh well, when people ask me how camp was, I sum it up by saying "it was rocky at first, but it ended well, and I hope that's the part the girls remember." Here are some pictures to show you they are actually smiling, and how the blankets turned out. Because there were two pieces of fleece tied together, the girls undid some of their knots and wore the blankets as dresses. It was pretty neat, and I have to say, the blankets turned out beautifully....even if I kind of went insane making them:

Let's keep going, Connor had his first birthday on July 8, 2009. We threw him a party and had some people from our ward and some of Spencer's family came up. We had a bbq in the backyard and everyone almost melted. It was SOOOO hot. Spencer was making slurpees for everyone and they were a hit. I seriously don't know what we would have done without them! Here are some pictures of the party, and at this time of year, let's remember how hot we actually were:

The rest of our summer was pretty tame. We didn't do too much, just worked on our garden a bit and drank ALOT of homemade slurpees with country time lemonade powder, water and ice. However, September was very fun. First off I turned 26. I am now officially closer to 30 than I am 20 and it sucks. Oh well, what can you do, right? Anyways, the day after my birthday we flew out to Las Vegas with our friend the Hall's. We dropped Connor off with Grandma and Grandpa Williams in Raymond, then flew out of Great Falls, MT. We stayed at the Trump hotel and had an absolute blast! I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to enjoy myself as I'd be too worried about Connor. Well....I wasn't worried at all and had a fabulous time. Either that means I trust my inlaws and wasn't worried about Connor, or I'm a terrible mother....I'm going with the first. The 4 days we spent there was so great, and even....not long enough!
Come on, we didn't get picked.
Let's fast forward to October. I don't know why, but it seems as though our lives have been so busy. I love it, but it's nice to take a break every now and again. Halloween came, and Connor dressed up as a little Monster. He was very cute. We went to our wards Halloween party/dance on Friday and I had a super fun time dancing. I really miss going to dances as a YSA. That was probably the best part of being single. Anyways, Saturday we went out with our friends the Loewers, and Alita and I took Connor and Sam up and down our street. Sam is 2 weeks younger than Connor, so we're making them, I mean trying to get them to be friends. They were very funny carrying around their sack of candy. They kept trying to go inside the peoples houses, and we had to hold them back. They raked in a good amount of candy, so mommy and daddy are extra happy. We had a good time, and so did the kids, and that's what counts right?

Spencer said those pajamas made him look gay....I disagree completely!

A recent fall day little man.