Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Too overprotective??

Last night we went to the park. We'd been there about 5 minutes when a man in his 60's came to sit on a bench, he had a model airplane with him. He kept looking across the field like he was waiting for someone to come meet him. There are only 2 benches in the whole park....we had one, he had the other. 20 minutes later we were leaving...and he was still sitting there. I found this weird, I mean, he was just sitting there. He wasn't doing anything inappropriate at all, but I felt uncomfortable. So when we came home, I called the police just to give them a heads up.
Do you think I'm too over protective or self righteous or something?

On another note, last Friday - August 20, 2 young people were killed on the highway while their 7 week old daughter survived. The husband and father killed was a good friend of mine from high school. This event has really confirmed to me a few things: Life is short and you just never know when things will come to an end. Me and my husband need to be more careful when driving. Spencer and I NEED to do a will. Does anybody else have a will, and more specifically have you legally chosen someone to take your children should something happen to you? I think for some people this is an easy choice, but for us, not so much. I'd love to hear what other people thought about to make this choice.

On a happy note....we leave for Vegas in 8 days!! I hear the weather is seriously 40 degrees Celsius, I hope we don't fry to death! I don't know, 5 months pregnant and 40 I crazy!?